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Multithreaded epoll()

Not a naïve implementation

To correctly set a multithreaded epoll() it's necessary to specifically set some flags. We'll consider level triggered mode since that's what we're using. Since we'll split the requests on different worker threads I expect the performance to scale semi-linearly with the number of workers.

The provider implementation doesen't change. I'll spawn providers with no timeout.


With 4 threads we manage to see from ~1.5x to ~3x increase in performance without timeout. In prod we can maximize cpu cores using for read 8-n-1 threads, where 1 is for the main thread and n is the number of thrads used to build the full event (probably would be n=1).

With timeout, I dont see improvement with the TIMEOUT_HARD (only 2 clients sending continuously), actually some worse perfomance in some cases. Prob this is due the EPOLLEXCLUSIVE which waste time distributing on more threads. With the TIMEOUD (50 clients sending continuously) I get some improvement, but not comparable to the all continuous ones. That's probably because of the fact that i'm getting some sort of tradeoff between exec time in incoming connection and time needed to distribute load on threads.

In an environment with a lot of clients and short timeouts, the approach with more than one thread is obviously preferrable for scalability reasons (50 cont + 950 1 sec timeout shows improvement already).

In such enviroment, a multito avoid reordering.hread instance should use mutexes on read data to avoid reordering of received data. It's gonna be explained in detail during the presentations.

(thats to study a little better)